Tips for Businesses When Creating an X Account


    Depending on who you ask, my next comment may be an unpopular opinion but I don’t care. X, formerly known as Twitter, is stupid and should change back. If I had to read “X, formerly known as Twitter,” one more time in this chapter I was going to lose my mind. However, I digress. While X has changed the delightful blue bird we all grew up with, it continues to help business promote not only their products but their visions as well. Here are some strategies for businesses to use when creating their X account. 

Less Promotion, More Conversation

    “Talk less, smile more.” Just kidding, in this instance, businesses are going to want to leverage X to start conversations with their customers in real-time. This can be as simple as posting a poll with a question about what color item customers want to see next. Being able to have conversations with customers is also helpful when it comes to good customer service. Customers can easily communicate any issues they have with a purchased product, allowing the brand to respond and hopefully maintain a positive relationship with the customer. Whether you’re starting conversations or ending them, being able to talk to your customer base is a very important and useful skill that X helps businesses accomplish.  

Post Visually Appealing Content 

    They say a picture is worth a thousand words, which is good in this case since X only allows you 280 characters. With such a limited amount of text, your message may not fit, leading to changes that can harm and hinder the true message behind your post. Studies show that posts with visuals such as infographics are three times more likely to be shared than posts without. The visuals don't have to be just infographics, however. Posts with videos are six times more likely to be shared than word-based posts. The next time you go to post remember that a silly little picture can be the difference maker for your post's popularity. 

Post Consistently and at Optimal Times 

    Everyone knows that one person who posts every minuscule update in their life; we hate them for it. However, on this occasion, businesses are going to have to go against their better judgment and post like crazy. Maybe not like crazy but definitely more than the normal person would think to. If you think about it though it makes sense. People's feeds are constantly updating and one little post can be easy to miss. A post only has a 15-20 minute life expectancy on the app so the more you can post about your business the better. Along with that comes posting at the optimal times. Contrary to popular belief there is no universal optimal posting time. Each industry and business has different optimal times depending on their target market so companies have to play around with timing to get it down. Making sure the right people see your message is a daunting task but once businesses get to know their customers it all falls into place. 

    These are just a few of the strategies businesses can use when creating and posting on an X profile to help promote their brand. While they may seem basic and simple, they’re the stepping stones to a great image for a brand.  


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